December 2020 - Happy Christmas...

Christmas at TCE has been an unusually quiet affair but enjoyed nonetheless. I extend a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has been involved with us throughout 2020 - it has not been the easiest of years but your support has been absolutely incredible and valued more than ever before.

If I’m honest, it has been a little bit disappointing to find ourselves starting 2021 in lockdown again, as we have been so careful and vigilant throughout the pandemic. We have gone to great lengths to ensure that the yard set up allows everyone who needs to be on site follows our rules, all of which which adhere to the Government’s guidance relating to Covid-19. Until advised otherwise, we will continue to operate in this way. We are also keeping our fingers crossed that everyone stays safe and that the coming months bring better news for everyone.

So, back to a little bit of normal…

Despite the current restrictions, we are so lucky to have super facilites at home which allow us to train safely, make progress and follow our grand plans. It is so rewarding to play such an instrumental part in the training of of our horses. The yard is currently buzzing with so many talented equines ranging from those who are just newly backed to others who are progressing through the ranks of BD and BE.

One of our rising 4yr old stars King

One of our rising 4yr old stars King