Summer successes in the ring and at home


The summer madness is now well under way for us, but you won’t hear any complaints from Team Chapman Equestrian! After so much worry and uncertainty in the winter it is just wonderful to be back on the circuit and seeing fellow competitors, coaches and owners again. It even makes the busiest of days seem a lot easier to manage! We’re delighted to report that as we move into the second half of the summer season, TCE is enjoying lots of success in young horse classes. One of the few highlights to come out of being locked down in Spring 2020 and again at the start of this year was the extra time it gave us to focus on the young horses. While we were never in any doubt that it was hugely beneficial for them, it’s fantastic to see that confirmed with competition results!


Here’s hoping the second half of the season brings more success for us to report in the next couple of blogs.  As well as loading up the lorry and heading out to shows, we’ve also seen the successful return of our popular summer training camps. Two camps were held in June, each seeing 10 lovely ladies gathering here at TCE headquarters with their horses. Both camps were just brilliant, with the pupils all working their socks off and making great strides forward. One of my favourite things about these camps is hearing women who are inspired by their progress and making exciting plans for the future. If you’re on the hunt for a way to take you and your horse to the next level, here’s what our camps include:


●       Lessons and test riding (with guest judges) over the Saturday and Sunday

●       Stabling on the Saturday night

●       An evening meal on the Saturday and lunch both days (and it is delicious!)

●       The option to extend your weekend with stabling and a lesson on the Friday too

●       A Pilates session focused on riders

●       Nutritional assessments with Baileys Horse Feeds

●       Goodie bags!


A big thank you to everyone who has attended a camp so far - it’s your amazing attitude which makes the difference. The girls on the yard who put so much effort into ensuring that everything runs smoothly are also worthy of a special mention - the camps just wouldn’t be possible without their help!  We will be running more camps this summer so if you would like to hear about dates or learn more about the camps and other coaching sessions, just drop us a line.